Age Verification

DOT functions allow verifying the applicant's age remotely using the biometric functions and identity document data extraction.

Certain businesses require age checks to be performed to establish if the customer or user is permitted by law to enter a business or a website; or to purchase certain goods. Age check, passive liveness and face matching can be combined to ensure compliance. These checks can be performed in different steps.

Steps in the process

Selfie photo age check

DOT can estimate age (and gender) from the selfie image. This estimation uses neural network models. It outputs a numeric value representing the estimated age in years. Passive liveness has to be evaluated as well to prevent spoofs.

Face features in original image

Age Verification from the Identity Document

If the estimated age is close to the age limit permitted by law, scanning the identity document and extracting the date of birth can calculate the age precisely.

Biometric validation

Process Flow

The age verification process is illustrated in the flowchart below:

Age check process flow